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This is a common program that breeders all over the world use although each change it to suit their own breeding requirements.

Firstly we believe the Guardian Agreement must be a win/win for the Guardian, Breeder and more importantly the dog. 

We have introduced the idea for several reasons, as we have chosen to be a smaller breeder and not have more than 10 females, we feel that way we offer each of our dogs plenty of love and attention, our dogs do not live in pens or runs, rather they are free to roam our property along with us.

We will briefly explain how this program works and who it is suitable for.

Oodle Creations will supply you a 1st generation female puppy free of charge.

* We will pay all vet expenses related to vaccinations, breeding, whelping etc.

* We supply a puppy starter kit to help the pup transition into the Guardians home.

* The dog will have 3 or 4 litters depending on the dog, after which she will be desexed and ownership transferred to the Guardian.

The Guardian will receive 5% of the sale of each puppy sold.

* The one downside of the agreement is that the Guardian will be required to be without the dog during times of mating and whelping of each litter.

This is a brief overview of how the agreement works and for suitable applicants it would be discussed in depth. 

The biggest benefit to the dog is they get one on one attention from a family of their own.

There are certain requirements that a future Guardian needs to meet before being deemed suitable, its not personal rather if it works for all 3 parties involved.

To express your interest in being a Guardian please contact us at

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